Browser Support Policy

115 views 21/10/2021 21/10/2021 3


iPipeline is committed to making our services and products easily accessible and consistent across supported browsers and platforms. Because it is not always possible or practical for us to fully test and validate our services and products using every available operating system and browser combination, we have implemented this policy to ensure that we support the vast majority of our users.

Development Principles and Web Standards

iPipeline attempts to minimize browser-support issues by following three best practices:

  • Develop websites and applications using W3C web standards.
  • Avoid technologies that are only supported by certain browser types (e.g., ActiveX)
  • Avoid programming implementations that are only supported by certain browser types (e.g., CSS extensions)

General Browser Requirements

To successfully interact with our products and services, your browser must meet the following requirements:

  • must be configured to accept cookies
  • must be configured to execute JavaScript

Specific Browser Support

End of Support for IE 11

We will end our support for or older browsers such as Internet Explorer 11 as of 31st June 2021.

To maximize our ability to successfully support our customers’ needs, iPipeline uses statistical data from web visitors and registered users, rather than generic industry data, to identify the browsers used by our and your target audience. We regularly review this data to determine which browsers to support.

We validate against and fully support our customers’ use of the following browser/platform combinations:

  • Google Chrome latest -1 versionfor Linux, Mac OS, and Windows
  • Mozilla Firefox latest -1 versionfor Linux, Mac OS, and Windows
  • Microsoft Edge latest -1 versionfor Windows

Other browsers might also work, but we do not attempt to resolve problems with browser/platform combinations other than those listed above. Browsers that have been developed to comply with the W3C guidelines and specifications, including mobile browsers, should operate successfully.

Resolving Browser Issues

If you are experiencing a problem using one of the browser/platform combinations we support, please contact the Support Team here. If you’re experiencing a problem with an unsupported browser/platform combination, the issue might be resolved by moving to a supported browser.


For some time, iPipeline has been advising against hosting SolutionBuilder or other iPipeline services within an HTML IFrame. Due to stronger restrictions being implemented by most browsers, iPipeline is no longer able to support IFrames due to security concerns.

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